Sunday, July 26, 2009

Venezuela Upset by Pending US-Colombia Pact

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- President Hugo Chavez says Colombia should not underestimate Venezuela's concerns over the neighboring country's decision to forge stronger military ties with the United States.

From Venezuela's point of view, Chavez said Thursday, it's like ''opening your house for your neighbor's enemy.''

Colombian officials have said Venezuela should not be concerned by a pact being negotiated to let U.S. forces use three airfields and two navy bases in Colombia. They say the number of U.S. service personnel and civilian military contractors will not exceed the 1,400 mandated by the U.S. Congress.

Chavez has threatened to scale back Venezuela's ties with Colombia if Bogota and Washington reach an agreement.

1 comment:

nym said...

Great blog, Warren. Your readers may wish to know that Chavez's claims of shutting the border are window-dressing. The journalists covering the story have done no original reporting. A high level contact of mine at the major foods company here says, despite "complications," everything is getting through the border. Same with the cars. Chavez signed a promise with Kirchner to buy them in Argentina, not here. I will take bets that the sales never happen.