Sunday, September 21, 2008

uribe and obama: pure politics

It looks like President Uribe isn't betting everything on a republican win this November. El Tiempo, Colombia's main newspaper, is reporting that Uribe spoke to Presidential Candidate, Barack Obama, before heading off to the U.S. to promote the free trade agreement that Congress has stalled indefinitely.
Maintaining good relations with the democrats is key for President Uribe because they are the main opponents to the passage of the free trade agreement with Colombia. Throughout his campaign, Obama has strongly opposed free trade agreements, claiming them to be a loss of jobs for Americans. The majority of the democrats in congress have opposed the agreement with Colombia because they claim that there are still too many murders there.
While President Uribe's trip was initially intended to lobby Congress for the passage of the trade agreement, he has cancelled all of his meetings with Congress due to the impending elections and the disaster on Wall Street. He is scheduled to meet with President Bush briefly, before heading to New York to attend the United Nations general assembly.
Links Below:
Obama reiteró a Uribe oposición al TLC porque las condiciones para los sindicalistas no han mejorado
Uribe Habló Con Obama Y Se Fue A E.U.

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